Account & Professional Pricing

** NEW**  in the next months you will see a change! the website will display RETAIL pricing until you log in. If you are a pet professional and you do not see a price change please send us proof and we will set you up. 

We offer pricing discounts to all Professionals in the animal industry. This means someone who has a business with a license. This keeps our pricing fair to the hardworking pet groomers, breeders &  show handlers that are our bread and butter, and typically are  lifelong repeat customers. 

How to set up for Professional Discount. If you have had an account with us(an assigned email & password) since before March 2022 you are already added. 

Step#1 make an account- assign your email & password(bonus this also starts you collecting points too!)* only do this if you DO NOT have an account. 

Step #2 email us proof that your a professional. Business License, bank card with your business name on it(cover any numbers), screenshot of FB page with matching info. please make sure you tell us the email you used for your account. 

we will add you to our program! 

Check by Logging out, see the pricing change(might need to delete cookies on your computer). 

Quantity Discounts: These are set discounts for specific products that will be displayed in a chart below Specific products, they will be for quantity of the same product/variant when you add to cart, the discount will be applied. this allows for grooming shops to purchase small bottles for resale in their store without the general public being able to access/see that same pricing when searching online. This also give the big salon a discount when buying in true bulk/case quantities. 

Current brands enrolled: (more will be added till whole website is done)

Brand currently displays retail pricing until logged in? Has Quantity Discounts?
Hydra yes on luxury line
Melanie Newman Yes yes
AGS no yes
Pet Silk Yes yes
Les Pooch sh/cond Yes  yes
Les pooch brushes
brushes yes yes
diamond bits yes yes
Aaronco yes yes
Experto/blades yes yes
Jelly Pet bands yes yes



*at this time discount codes cannot be used at same time, so bear with us as we work all the bugs out. *