Modern styles around the world Magazine & DVD
I am very excited to announce the addition of Olga Zabelinskaya( from Groom team USA) line of Magazines & DVDs called Modern styles around the world.
LOVE ASIAN FUSION??? want to know how to achieve those gorgeous "overseas" trims??
Produced by Olga Zabelinskaya, this magazine's purpose is to share and instruct how to groom in a variety of "modern styles" from all over the world (not just Asian Style, Fusion or Japanese). Each Issue features a different breed/coat type and has 4 photos from groomers showcasing each style (usually different dogs).
Olga has written instructions and visual pictorials showing the lines/shapes, and focal points of each style's body and head.
PLUS it includes a free DVD with a complete featured groom by Olga.
So far 4 issues have been released, with them coming out 1 or 2 a year.
this is the format:
Issue #1:
is "Teddy bear" (Poodle/Bichon type coat) featuring Panda Bear, Petunia Style, Shitake Style, & Paisley style in the magazines written instructions.
DVD shows Teddy Bear style. (this Issue is no longer in production)
Issue #2
is "Yorkie Butterfly" (yorkie, Shih Tzu & Maltese) featuring Butterfly, Fox, Overcomb, Bonsu, Diva, Izumi, Bear, & Bob styles.
DVD shows Yorkie butterfly style.
Issue #3
is "Min Schnauzer Musubi"(Step by step instructions for Schnauzer, Havanese, Pomeranian, Poodle & Shih Tzu).
DVD shows Min schnauzer Musabi style.
Issue #4
is "Poodle Sweetheart Japanese Style"( showing carving and sculpting designs on poodles, bichons, yorkies etc in swirl, shell, heart etc)
DVD shows Bichon Sweet Heart style.
Get a sneak peak at Issue #1 to see whats included!
Purchase Your issues now !
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